Love Hexed: Cozy Witch Mystery (Witches of Winterfield Book 5) Page 4
There had to be some sort of sports program on even at this late hour. The bachelor life could be lots of fun. He could go to work and then come home and sit around the house in his boxers watching sports and drinking his favorite cocktail.
Ben didn't need a woman to run his life. No sir, he could do just fine on his own.
Right after his first sip of the Old Fashioned, the doorbell rang. Deep down inside of him in a place that was almost entirely drowned with contempt, he hoped it was Belladonna. Not because he wanted to see her, but mostly because he wanted to give her a piece of his mind.
It turned out to be Nick and Luke standing on his front porch looking gravely concerned. He gestured to them to come in.
"Can I get you guys a drink?" Ben said and held up his glass.
"Sure," Nick said, but then noticed the look Luke was giving him. "Oh come on. We walked here. We're going to walk home. One drink won't hurt."
"Fine. One drink while we talk." Luke relented.
"That's the spirit, boys!" Ben said cheerfully. Too cheerfully. "We don't need women telling us what to do. We're men. We do what we want."
"Oh boy." Luke shook his head.
They went into the kitchen. Luke and Nick sat at the table with a bowl of chips and a dish of salsa while Ben mixed them a drink. Nick and Luke weren't exactly sure what was going on, but that's why the women had sent them here.
Murielle, Jessie, and Carly were following Belladonna home in an attempt to discern what had happened to her. Ben was acting the same way. Neither one of them were at all concerned about the other. Whatever was going on had to have started before the change, though. Otherwise they would have been together when it happened. Belladonna had forgotten to protect herself, and she hadn't defended Ben either.
"Hey, Man," Luke said after chowing down on a chip drenched in habanero salsa. "Did you and Bells get in a fight or something?"
"Yeah. It was pretty bad too. She was acting all weird and jealous. I couldn't believe some of the crazy stuff she was saying. Bella was like a whole different person." Ben said with a shrug. "I was really upset about the whole thing, and then suddenly, I wasn't anymore."
"Why do you think that was?" Nick asked.
"I don't know. It was like a switch flipped. One minute I was really depressed and anxious, and the next minute I couldn't care less."
"That sounds weird." Luke offered. "Don't you think that's a bit strange?"
"Sure, maybe." Ben finished the drinks and brought them to the table. "It was like magic, actually." He thought for a moment. "Hey, do you think Belladonna did this to me? Haha. I hope she realizes that if she was trying to mess with my head, she actually did me a favor."
"This is bad," Nick said and took a huge swallow of his drink.
"You don't say."
The guys tried in vain to convince Ben that he really did still love Belladonna and that something was driving them apart. But, the more they sought to convince him, the more hostile he got towards Bella.
"We have to quit." Luke finally relented. "This is making things worse."
Nick and Luke met back up with the girls at Luke and Murielle's house. Muri was only slightly annoyed that her husband's breath smelled like booze, but fortunately for him, he'd kept it at one drink. Carly, on the other hand, was a little miffed that Nick hadn't brought her a drink in a to-go cup.
"Hey, we've got the stuff to make margaritas," Muri announced.
Luke thought that was a bit strange. Sure, they had the stuff to make margaritas, but it seemed like an odd time to throw a party. Murielle was normally very conservative about when and where was an okay place and time to have a drink.
It occurred to him that maybe Belladonna had protected them from part of the magic affecting them, but that other aspects of it may have gotten through.
"Don't you have to work in the morning, sweetie?" Luke asked as nicely as possible.
"I do, but it's just one drink. You had one drink. Don't be a party pooper."
Nick shrugged at Luke, and they followed the women into the kitchen. While Muri made the cocktails, Nick asked Carly and Jessie about Belladonna.
Bella had insisted on going home alone to "write some things down."
"We're going to need to keep an eye on her," Luke said.
"Yeah, she was talking about giving the Voodoo Queen an offering of jewelry," Carly added.
"That's not okay," said Luke.
"What?" Murielle asked when the blender stopped. "What did you find out from Ben?"
"I think the two of them have broken up. I know that sounds crazy, but I believe it's true. I believe that the priestess broke them up even before the magic changed them. What if Belladonna is going to give her engagement ring to the Voodoo lady?
Belladonna was not pleased. The urge to take the ring to Sister Oshun was overwhelming, but Bella was still a bit concerned about what her friends would say when they found out.
That couldn't matter. All that mattered was that she made the priestess happy. She used her nervous energy to go upstairs and look through her closet for the jasmine oil she somehow knew the Voodoo Queen wanted. They were connected now, and Belladonna couldn't be content until her Queen was happy.
Sterling and Olwen paced around the first floor of the house. They could tell that something was wrong, but the animals felt helpless.
Elsbeth Tory tried to sooth them with kind words, but because of the spell, Belladonna either couldn't or wouldn't see her anymore. Elsbeth needed to go outside of Winterfield to see if she could find Belladonna's family, but she was worried about leaving Sterling and the dog alone with the hexed witch.
Sterling meowed loudly, but Elsbeth could hear the words in her former familiar's voice.
"I'll be okay. Go get help." Is what the cat would say if she could speak.
"You are a dragon after all."
Elsbeth left the house and set out to find Granny Pepper and Aunt Sumac. She wasn't quite sure where they would be, but she had faith that her intuition would guide her.
Belladonna made a decision. She found the oil and left the house with her engagement ring in her pocket. Ben had never really loved her anyway. He was just lonely and looking for someone to replace his dead wife. It probably could have been anybody, and Belladonna had fallen for it.
Witches were supposed to know better. That's why they rarely married. She didn't have to make the same mistake Murielle had made. In fact, she should probably talk to her Granny and Aunt about outlawing marriages in the coven.
That probably wouldn't make Murielle very happy, but maybe they didn't need her anyway. She obviously wasn't strong enough to have resisted Luke's pestering.
For a moment, Belladonna felt horrible for thinking these things. But, she shook it off and kept walking. What was important now was that she got to Sister Oshun and made her offering.
Bella walked up the hill to the site of the old Tory mansion and saw a woman in white dancing in a frenzied circle. There was drum music coming from all around, but Belladonna could not see anyone playing drums.
The dancing rose to a fever pitch, and Sister Oshun started to shake violently as if she were having a seizure. Bella just stood back and watched. Somehow, she knew that this was just the spirits working through the Queen.
Suddenly, Sister Oshun stopped moving, and the drum beats fell silent. She looked up at Belladonna with a wide, knowing grin.
"Hello, my dear," Oshun said with words that dripped honey. "I've been expecting you. Come closer so that I can see you a little better."
Belladonna took a step forward.
Joe got released from the hospital the next day. The doctors were amazed by his recovery. The entire cardiology department was completely baffled by his overnight turn towards good health, but they had no choice except to release him. He wasn't the least bit sick anymore.
A cab came for him twenty minutes after he signed the release papers. He stopped off at the diner and ordered the greasiest bacon che
eseburger on the menu with a large order of fries. There was no point in even trying to eat healthy anymore, so Joe figured he might as well take advantage.
After dinner, his belly felt about ready to burst. He liked the feeling, though. After all of the dry chicken breasts and broccoli with lemon juice, the burger was like a little slice of the heaven he was missing out on right now.
Plus, none of it had done any good. He still had a heart attack and almost died of a bigger one. For the rest of the life he had left, Joe was intent on enjoying the things he knew he probably wouldn’t have again when he crossed over.
He also wanted to bring down the man his father had tried to kill decades ago. Joe remembered his father telling him about the Reverend Midnight, but he couldn't recall as much as he would have liked.
After he had finished his burger and fries, Joe walked home. It was still a little chilly, but he loved the feeling of the sun on his face. How many times had he taken that sensation for granted? There were so many beautiful things about this world that were so small that most people paid no attention to them. Joe refused to make that mistake ever again.
Once he was inside the small, ranch-style house he'd bought after his wife passed away, Joe walked down to the end of the hallway, reached up, and pulled the attic stairs down.
It had been years since he'd gone up there, but that's where his father's things were stored. The food sitting in his belly made him a little drowsy, but Joe told himself he could have a nap after he found what he was looking for.
He had to move a few boxes around before he found the ones containing his father's albums, journals, and notebooks.
When he opened the first box, things came rushing back into his mind. He'd almost forgotten who his father was. Jerry Rice was a demon hunter. His father was half angel and half human.
Joe scratched his chin and tried to think of the word.
"Nephilim." He whispered.
That's why Jerry had been hunting Reverend Midnight. Well, he wasn't actually hunting the Reverend. He was trying to get to the demon that had possessed him.
It was the demon that visited him in the hospital, and that evil was still holding the Reverend Midnight hostage in his own body. Joe's father hadn't cursed Reverend Midnight to walk halfway between life and death, he kept the demon from destroying the Reverend.
That's why Joe was a target. The demon must have believed that Joe could remove his father's blessing. He dug through the boxes looking through his father's notes. There had to be information on how Jerry had blocked the demon from completely taking over the Reverend Midnight.
A sudden memory hit Joe. He was visiting his parent's house, and a woman showed up begging for their help. It was Reverend Midnight's wife, Sister Oshun.
She'd suspected for a long time that something was trying to get at her husband. He'd been having nightmares. His magical abilities were failing him, and he'd started to act strangely.
Then one day, it all stopped, and he seemed peaceful again. But, he was different. That's when she knew that the demon had used fear to worm its way into her husband.
At the time, she was asking for Joe's parents’ help, Sister Oshun had started to experience the same things her husband had before his possession. In addition to the nightmares and the problems with her magic, she was hearing and seeing things during the day too. Her husband had never mentioned it to her.
She guessed it was because of where they lived. The Bayou is famous for being haunted so the sounds of footsteps or doors opening and closing on their own might not have alarmed him.
The Rices recognized this immediately as the first stage of possession. It's called infestation, and it's where the victim sees things, hears whispers, hears footsteps, and has an eerie feeling of being watched.
The next step is oppression. That's what was going on when the Reverend and Sister's healing powers and white magic would no longer work. The demon was trying to break them down.
Sister Oshun, or rather the thing inside Sister Oshun, looked at Belladonna with great satisfaction. It was desperate to get its mate back, and having this particular witch under her control would prove invaluable to keeping this town under its thumb.
Belladonna stepped forward and handed the Sister her engagement ring and the vial of jasmine oil. What Belladonna wasn't thinking about was that the oil wasn't just any magical item, it was a gift from her mother.
So now, Oshun had two personal symbols of love from Belladonna. One broke and one intact. It was true that priestess had used Belladonna and Ben's fears to make them say and do things they didn't really mean, but that wouldn't stop the amulets from working.
For now, she had to keep the lovers hating each other. As long as they were apart and unhappy, their friends would work tirelessly to serve. They would find Reverend Midnight's body and reunite the demons.
It had to happen quickly. While they were apart, they were also vulnerable. Sister Oshun already felt Belladonna's family trying to break through her magic.
The demon almost wished her mate had chosen others for their vessels. The Voodoo King and Queen weren't ideal. Despite what most people think about Voodoo, it's powers are hard to twist for evil purposes.
But, the voodoo knowledge was what the demon had to work with, and she was determined to use it to her full advantage.
"Thank you, Sugar." Sister Oshun said to Belladonna in a thick Southern accent. "Now, I'm going to need your help with a few things. The most important thing is finding my husband. He came here to this town and disappeared."
"Why was he here? If I know who he talked to, maybe I can help you find him?" Belladonna asked.
"He was here looking to square up a debt." She replied. "He was looking for a man named Joe Rice."
"I know Joe," Belladonna answered absently. "He runs the auto repair shop over on the other side of town. It's between the square and the new police station."
"Good. I'd like you to go have a talk with him tomorrow. See if you can get him to tell you where my husband is." Sister Oshun said.
"Are you going to go with me?"
"No, Sugar. You're going to handle this little piece of business for me. I've got so many other things to do. Plus, I'm a stranger around here. People will help you because they know you."
Belladonna nodded her head in understanding. "Yes, Ma'am. I'll go talk to Joe tomorrow."
After that, Belladonna went home and sat in the parlor. She lit a fire and sat quietly in front of it watching the flames dance. Olwen jumped up beside her and put her head in Bella's lap while Sterling stretched out in front of the fireplace.
Something wasn't right. Belladonna began to feel as if she were wrapped in a thick blanket and the outside world couldn't get through. She felt it trying, though.
"Maybe a cup of tea will help me feel better." She said to Olwen. "Would you guys like a snack?"
The animals jumped to attention at the word "snack" and dutifully followed Belladonna to the kitchen. She dug through her pantry until she found some herbal tea that was supposed to promote clarity.
"This will probably need a lot of sugar." She wrinkled her nose at the smell of the tea bag.
While her water boiled, Belladonna cooked a hamburger patty for Olwen and opened a can of gourmet cat food for Sterling. She also popped a corndog in the microwave. For some reason, they always cheered her up.
Her water started to boil, so Bella filled her cup and left the tea to steep. She was overwhelmed with the urge to call her Aunt, but Belladonna couldn't find her phone. She could have sworn she'd set it down on the edge of the kitchen island, but it was gone.
Belladonna searched her house from top to bottom with a corndog in one hand and a cup of tea in the other. By the time she'd finished her snack and the cup of tea, the phone still hadn't turned up.
She started to feel sleepy, and while there were things that she knew needed contemplation, her eyelids were getting heavy.
"It's been a long day. Let's go to sleep." She said to Sterling
and Olwen. "We can think about things in the morning. There is someone I need to call. Someone I need to talk to and make things right."
Belladonna could almost see Ben, and she could hear the sound of his voice in her head. The problem was that her conscious mind couldn’t connect those sounds and images to words or memories.
“Someone I know I don’t want to lose,” Bella said as she drifted off to sleep.
When Belladonna woke up the next morning, she called her first appointment of the day and asked them if she could reschedule for the afternoon. Then she called Francine and asked her to open up the shop. She’d given Francie a key recently. Belladonna felt that she’d more than proved her loyalty.
Francine agreed, and Belladonna told her she’d only be a little late. Once her work was squared away, Bella got dressed and headed over to Joe’s auto shop.
Sister Oshun wanted Bella to ask Joe where Reverend Midnight was, but Belladonna also had the nagging feeling that Joe could help her. She couldn’t figure out exactly what she needed help with, but it felt important. Something was missing, and she hoped that Joe could put it back.
Joe was in his office drinking coffee and eating a huge chocolate donut. He smiled when he saw Belladonna and took his feet off the desk.
“Belladonna, what brings you in?”
“I need to talk to you about something important.” She sat down in one of the worn orange plastic chairs across from his desk when he gestured towards it. “I thought I’d find you under a car or something.”
“Haha. Well, that’s usually where you’d find me.” He took another huge bite of the donut. “You must not have heard. I had a heart attack. So, I’m calling all of my current customers to let them know I’m a day or so behind. I’ll get out there and rattle around under a few hoods when I’m done with my calls and my donut.”
“Sister Oshun sent me to talk to you.”
“I knew she’d send someone. I’ve been expecting you. I even brought an extra donut.” He said and pushed a small paper plate with a second chocolate donut on it across the desk.